Gifts For Women - Just What DO Women Want?

Gifts for women.  Easier said than done?


Many men seem to struggle with gift shopping; Christmas gifts, gifts for their girlfriend, gifts for their wife, mothers day gifts and so on. I think on the whole it's because they find gifts a rather pointless and unimportant part of life, which they might not be entirely wrong about, and therefore their lack of real commitment to the ideal leads them to make poor decisions fueled by last minute pressures.


Last Christmas women revealed to the Daily Mail (I know, I'm sorry) some of the worst gifts they have received from men which shockingly included cellulite cream, a fishing road and a chainsaw. Gifts for women can't be that difficult surely?


Just what DO women want, eh?


Well unless you're going to fall into a bath with a hair dryer Mel Gibson style and gain incredible insight in the minds of women to find out What Women Want, men are going to have to think harder about gifts for women - I'm pretty certain men can do better than garden equipment.


Are women to blame for bad gifts? Partly I guess, after all I'm pretty certain the average man would like to be handed a list of potentials, in fact he'd probably rather you just bought it yourself. BUT NO, we don't want that, we want him to reach into the depths of his heart and come up with something we will love without any prompting. We're hard work aren't we?


According to the dubious statistics printed by The Daily Mail, 40% of women now do indeed choose their own gifts and describing their well intentioned men as 'clueless' and 'disorganised'. Now getting your own gift is not the spirit of gift giving in my opinion - how is it a gift when you bought it yourself or gave someone a list to purchase from?  It's making a mockery of the whole point of gift gifting.


If you can't trust your man to make a good purchase then just let him off the hook and tell him not to buy you anything ... if he's getting it repeatedly wrong in a major way, he's either seriously disinterested in buying you gifts and hopefully shows his love in other ways, or is so bad at it you really should just let him excel in other areas instead of opening your yearly disappointment. It does you both a favour and you shouldnt' be afraid to buck tradition. 


Now if you are  man, and you've landed on this page because you're last minute gift shopping again, why don't you try your best to reach into your heart and think very hard about what your lady would actually like. What are her hobbies? What does she like to wear? What does she enjoying doing in her free time?


These are good places to start when it comes to gifts for women, or indeed gifts for anyone, because unless you've heard her lammenting about her lack of chainsaw and how much she'd really love a chainsaw, that sort of direction is risky.


And even if she DID say she wanted a chainsaw, or a dustpan, or any number of household items, that's something she wants for the HOUSE not for HERSELF as a gift. Oh men, you do make me chuckle.


Below are our most frequently purchased items

from the Taylor Two gift shop, mostly by women and so that gives you an idea of what women 'want' when shopping at Taylor Two.